Package-level declarations


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data class AnilistUser(val id: Int, val name: String, val about: String? = null, val avatar: AnilistUser.UserAvatar? = null, val bannerImage: String? = null, val isFollowing: Boolean? = null, val isFollower: Boolean? = null, val isBlocked: Boolean? = null, val bans: JsonObject? = null, val options: AnilistUser.UserOptions? = null, val favourites: Favourites? = null, val statistics: AnilistUser.UserStatisticTypes? = null, val unreadNotificationCount: Int? = null, val siteUrl: String? = null, val donatorTier: Int? = null, val donatorBadge: String? = null, val moderatorRoles: AnilistUser.ModRole? = null, val createdAt: Int? = null, val updatesAt: Int? = null, val previousNames: List<AnilistUser.UserPreviousName>? = null, val mediaListOptions: AnilistUser.MediaListOptions)
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data class FavoriteResult(val toggleFavourite: Favourites)
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data class FavoriteVariables(val animeId: Int? = null, val mangaId: Int? = null, val staffId: Int? = null, val characterId: Int? = null, val studioId: Int? = null)
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data class FuzzyDateInt(val year: Int?, val month: Int?, val day: Int?)
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data class MediaArgumentVariables(val mediaId: Int? = null, val idMal: Int? = null, val startDate: Int? = null, val endDateInput: Int? = null, val season: MediaSeason? = null, val seasonYear: Int? = null, val type: MediaType? = null, val format: MediaFormat? = null, val status: MediaStatus? = null, val episodes: Int? = null, val duration: Int? = null, val chapters: Int? = null, val volumes: Int? = null, val isAdult: Boolean? = null, val genre: String? = null, val tag: String? = null, val minimumTagRank: Int? = null, val tagCategory: String? = null, val onList: Boolean? = null, val licensedBy: String? = null, val licensedById: String? = null, val averageScore: Int? = null, val popularity: Int? = null, val source: MediaSource? = null, val countryOfOrigin: String? = null, val isLicensed: Boolean? = null, val search: String? = null, val id_not: Int? = null, val id_in: List<Int>? = null, val id_not_in: List<Int>? = null, val idMal_in: List<Int>? = null, val idMal_not_in: List<Int>? = null, val startDate_greater: Int? = null, val startDate_lesser: Int? = null, val startDate_like: Int? = null, val endDate_greater: Int? = null, val endDate_lesser: Int? = null, val endDate_like: String? = null, val format_in: MediaFormat? = null, val format_not: MediaFormat? = null, val format_not_in: MediaFormat? = null, val status_in: MediaStatus? = null, val status_not: MediaStatus? = null, val status_not_in: List<MediaStatus>? = null, val episodes_greater: Int? = null, val duration_greater: Int? = null, val duration_lesser: Int? = null, val chapters_greater: Int? = null, val chapters_lesser: Int? = null, val volumes_greater: Int? = null, val volumes_lesser: Int? = null, val genre_in: List<String>? = null, val genre_not_in: List<String>? = null, val tag_in: List<String>? = null, val tag_not_in: List<String>? = null, val tagCategory_in: List<String>? = null, val tagCategory_not_in: List<String>? = null, val licensedById_in: List<Int>? = null, val averageScore_not: Int? = null, val averageScore_greater: Int? = null, val averageScore_lesser: Int? = null, val popularity_not: Int? = null, val popularity_greater: Int? = null, val popularity_lesser: Int? = null, val source_in: List<MediaSource>? = null, val sort: MediaSort? = null)
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data class MediaListCollection(val lists: List<MediaListCollection.MediaListGroup>, val user: AnilistUser, val hasNextChunk: Boolean)
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data class MediaListCollectionFilter(val userId: Int? = null, val userName: String? = null, val type: MediaType, val status: MediaListStatus? = null, val notes: String? = null, val startedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val completedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val chunk: Int? = null, val forceSingleCompletedList: Boolean? = null, val perChunk: Int? = null, val status_in: List<MediaListStatus>? = null, val status_not_in: List<MediaListStatus>? = null, val status_not: MediaListStatus? = null, val notes_like: String? = null, val startedAt_greater: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val startedAt_lesser: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val startedAt_like: String? = null, val completedAt_greater: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val completedAt_lesser: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val completedAt_like: String? = null, val sort: List<MediaListSort>? = null)
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data class MediaListCollectionResult(val MediaListCollection: MediaListCollection)
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data class MediaResult(val Media: Media?)
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data class MediaVariables(val id: Int? = null, val idMal: Int? = null, val startDate: Int? = null, val endDateInput: Int? = null, val season: MediaSeason? = null, val seasonYear: Int? = null, val type: MediaType? = null, val format: MediaFormat? = null, val status: MediaStatus? = null, val episodes: Int? = null, val duration: Int? = null, val chapters: Int? = null, val volumes: Int? = null, val isAdult: Boolean? = null, val genre: String? = null, val tag: String? = null, val minimumTagRank: Int? = null, val tagCategory: String? = null, val onList: Boolean? = null, val licensedBy: String? = null, val licensedById: String? = null, val averageScore: Int? = null, val popularity: Int? = null, val source: MediaSource? = null, val countryOfOrigin: String? = null, val isLicensed: Boolean? = null, val search: String? = null, val id_not: Int? = null, val id_in: List<Int>? = null, val id_not_in: List<Int>? = null, val idMal_in: List<Int>? = null, val idMal_not_in: List<Int>? = null, val startDate_greater: Int? = null, val startDate_lesser: Int? = null, val startDate_like: Int? = null, val endDate_greater: Int? = null, val endDate_lesser: Int? = null, val endDate_like: String? = null, val format_in: MediaFormat? = null, val format_not: MediaFormat? = null, val format_not_in: MediaFormat? = null, val status_in: MediaStatus? = null, val status_not: MediaStatus? = null, val status_not_in: List<MediaStatus>? = null, val episodes_greater: Int? = null, val duration_greater: Int? = null, val duration_lesser: Int? = null, val chapters_greater: Int? = null, val chapters_lesser: Int? = null, val volumes_greater: Int? = null, val volumes_lesser: Int? = null, val genre_in: List<String>? = null, val genre_not_in: List<String>? = null, val tag_in: List<String>? = null, val tag_not_in: List<String>? = null, val tagCategory_in: List<String>? = null, val tagCategory_not_in: List<String>? = null, val licensedById_in: List<Int>? = null, val averageScore_not: Int? = null, val averageScore_greater: Int? = null, val averageScore_lesser: Int? = null, val popularity_not: Int? = null, val popularity_greater: Int? = null, val popularity_lesser: Int? = null, val source_in: List<MediaSource>? = null, val sort: MediaSort? = null)
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data class ProgressUpdateResult(val saveMediaListEntry: ProgressUpdateResult.ProgressUpdate)
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data class UpdateAnimeResult(val SaveMediaListEntry: MediaList?)
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data class UpdateAnimeVariables(val mediaId: Int, val status: MediaListStatus? = null, val score: Float? = null, val scoreRaw: Int? = null, val progress: Int? = null, val progressVolumes: Int? = null, val repeat: Int? = null, val priority: Int? = null, val private: Boolean? = null, val notes: String? = null, val hiddenFromStatusLists: Boolean? = null, val customLists: List<String>? = null, val advancedScores: List<Float>? = null, val startedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val completedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null)
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data class ViewerResult(val Viewer: AnilistUser)