
data class MediaList(val id: Int? = null, val userId: Int? = null, val mediaId: Int? = null, val status: MediaListStatus? = null, val score: Float? = null, val progress: Int? = null, val progressVolumes: Int? = null, val repeat: Int? = null, val priority: Int? = null, val private: Boolean? = null, val notes: String? = null, val hiddenFromStatusLists: Boolean? = null, val customLists: JsonObject? = null, val advancedScores: JsonObject? = null, val startedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val completedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, val updatedAt: Int? = null, val createdAt: Int? = null, val media: Media? = null, val user: AnilistUser? = null)


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constructor(id: Int? = null, userId: Int? = null, mediaId: Int? = null, status: MediaListStatus? = null, score: Float? = null, progress: Int? = null, progressVolumes: Int? = null, repeat: Int? = null, priority: Int? = null, private: Boolean? = null, notes: String? = null, hiddenFromStatusLists: Boolean? = null, customLists: JsonObject? = null, advancedScores: JsonObject? = null, startedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, completedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, updatedAt: Int? = null, createdAt: Int? = null, media: Media? = null, user: AnilistUser? = null)


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val advancedScores: JsonObject? = null
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val createdAt: Int? = null
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val customLists: JsonObject? = null
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val id: Int? = null
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val media: Media? = null
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val mediaId: Int? = null
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val notes: String? = null
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val priority: Int? = null
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val private: Boolean? = null
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val progress: Int? = null
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val progressVolumes: Int? = null
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val repeat: Int? = null
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val score: Float? = null
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val startedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null
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val status: MediaListStatus? = null
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val updatedAt: Int? = null
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val user: AnilistUser? = null
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val userId: Int? = null