
class Anilist


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object Companion
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var id: String
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suspend fun deleteMedia(id: Int): Boolean
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suspend fun favorite(id: Int, entryType: FavoriteType): Favourites
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suspend fun getMedia(mediaId: Int, idMal: Int? = null, startDate: Int? = null, endDateInput: Int? = null, season: MediaSeason? = null, seasonYear: Int? = null, type: MediaType? = null, format: MediaFormat? = null, status: MediaStatus? = null, episodes: Int? = null, duration: Int? = null, chapters: Int? = null, volumes: Int? = null, isAdult: Boolean? = null, genre: String? = null, tag: String? = null, minimumTagRank: Int? = null, tagCategory: String? = null, onList: Boolean? = null, licensedBy: String? = null, licensedById: String? = null, averageScore: Int? = null, popularity: Int? = null, source: MediaSource? = null, countryOfOrigin: String? = null, isLicensed: Boolean? = null, search: String? = null, id_not: Int? = null, id_in: List<Int>? = null, id_not_in: List<Int>? = null, idMal_in: List<Int>? = null, idMal_not_in: List<Int>? = null, startDate_greater: Int? = null, startDate_lesser: Int? = null, startDate_like: Int? = null, endDate_greater: Int? = null, endDate_lesser: Int? = null, endDate_like: String? = null, format_in: MediaFormat? = null, format_not: MediaFormat? = null, format_not_in: MediaFormat? = null, status_in: MediaStatus? = null, status_not: MediaStatus? = null, status_not_in: List<MediaStatus>? = null, episodes_greater: Int? = null, duration_greater: Int? = null, duration_lesser: Int? = null, chapters_greater: Int? = null, chapters_lesser: Int? = null, volumes_greater: Int? = null, volumes_lesser: Int? = null, genre_in: List<String>? = null, genre_not_in: List<String>? = null, tag_in: List<String>? = null, tag_not_in: List<String>? = null, tagCategory_in: List<String>? = null, tagCategory_not_in: List<String>? = null, licensedById_in: List<Int>? = null, averageScore_not: Int? = null, averageScore_greater: Int? = null, averageScore_lesser: Int? = null, popularity_not: Int? = null, popularity_greater: Int? = null, popularity_lesser: Int? = null, source_in: List<MediaSource>? = null, sort: MediaSort? = null): Media?
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suspend fun page(page: Int, perPage: Int)
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suspend fun setStatus(mediaId: Int, status: MediaListStatus): MediaList?
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suspend fun updateAnime(mediaId: Int, status: MediaListStatus? = null, score: Float? = null, scoreRaw: Int? = null, progress: Int? = null, progressVolumes: Int? = null, repeat: Int? = null, priority: Int? = null, private: Boolean? = null, notes: String? = null, hiddenFromStatusLists: Boolean? = null, customLists: List<String>? = null, advancedScores: List<Float>? = null, startedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null, completedAt: FuzzyDateInt? = null): MediaList?
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suspend fun updateProgress(mediaId: Int, progress: Int): ProgressUpdateResult.ProgressUpdate